To make a donation now, click this "Donate" button.
You can also designate your donation for a specific purpose and set up recurring donations.
The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation was created through a generous contribution by William Watkins in memory of Earl Wentz and is supported by gifts and grants from private individuals (alumni, friends, supporters of the arts and arts education) and corporations.
Donations and property given or bequested to the foundation are applied by the Board of Directors strictly to the purposes for which the foundation has been incorporated.
The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation is qualified as a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Federal tax id #: 46-1415914.
The form that donations should take when by will is:
"I give, devise, and bequeath to The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of North Carolina, the sum of . . . . . dollars for the corporate purposes of said Foundation."
Our fundraising goal for this year is $50,000. Your gifts significantly impact our ability to provide scholarships for our programs to students-in-need!
In the summer of 2014 alone, we provided over $3,500 in scholarships thanks to our combined efforts. That number increased to $9,500 in 2016. (Our program expenses far exceed these numbers.)
Your gifts will enable us to significantly expand our program offerings in 2019 to include additional workshops and expanded workshop weeks, as well as musical events.
As of February 2019, we've already increased our student count five-fold!
We can only do this with YOUR help!
The Easiest Way to Give Is to Click the Button to the Right!
When you click the button, you can choose how often and how much to give. You can also designate a specific program area or make your gift to our general fund and we’ll use the funds where they are most needed.
Recurring donations are like making pledged gifts so that you don’t have to think about it again! And . . . it helps us to be able to make more concise and accurate budgets for our programs, knowing that your gift will be arriving on schedule.
Give today and help us reach our annual goal!
Remember to check with your employer's human resources department to see if they will match your tax-deductible contribution!
Online Shopping Partners
You can support The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation while conducting online shopping and auctions. Just use one of these sites and designate The Earl Wentz and William Watkins Foundation as your charity of choice and a donation will be made to the foundation.
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